LSL embodies an extraordinary collaboration between three esteemed chefs: Didier Leroy, Masaki Saito, and Christian Le Squer. This partnership results in a unique blend of French culinary finesse accentuated by the finest Japanese ingredients sourced through Saito's personal connections.
Nestled within a luxurious ten-seat dining room, Didier Leroy leads a dedicated team committed to crafting exceptional meals. With an almost one-to-one staff-to-guest ratio, our meticulous attention to detail b...
Tasting Menu Reservation
Explore the harmonious blend of refined French cuisine and the finest Japanese ingredients showcased i...
- Reservation for parties of 1 to 10
- $340 deposit per person
Private Events
If you are interested in learning more about our offerings, please fill out the request form and we will contact you to discuss details.
Request information