On Saturday, April 6 from 11am-12pm join us for a special yoga experience at the winery - Rosé & Namaste.
Yoga instructor Kendyl Welker will guide participants through an hour-long yoga practice in our beautiful event center that overlooks vineyards and gardens. Then head over to the Tasting Room for your complimentary glass of wine!
This yoga class is perfect for those new to yoga as well as those more advanced looking for a unique place to practice!
Food will be available for purchase in the Tasting Room after the event.
Ticket includes the hour-long yoga session and a glass of wine.
All levels are welcome. Please bring a yoga mat if you have one (extras are available if needed) and be ready for a wonderful yoga and wine experience!
Wine Club discount $5. Email amanda@acvwine.com for discount code.
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Private Events
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Rosé & Namaste Yoga at Aurora Vineyards is sold out.