just some folks is taking over Manny's for one evening to serve up a cozy dinner on Monday Feb 27th. think: casual corner spot french bistro where all the neighbors know each other, the wine tap runs freely, and the food makes you feel a little guilty.
8pm seating
$75 ($60 with industry discount -- cooks, wait staff, etc - DM us!)
drinks available for purchase
*due to our small team, we can't accommodate dietary restrictions beyond vegetarian.*
all tips will be distributed among non-managerial members of our team!
<3, anand & netta
if you have any questions regarding the event, please contact us at justsomefolkssf@gmail.com. follow our pop-up around the city at https://www.instagram.com/justsomefolks.sf/.
Manny's is a community-focused meeting and learning place in the heart of San Francisco. It's a non-profit restaurant, political bookshop, and civic event gathering place.
More information
just some folks @ Manny's | 8pm Seating at just some folks is sold out.