In Japan, there is a style of comedy known as batsu game (罰ゲーム), where comedians compete in challenges of all kinds with the losers receiving a punishment. BATSU! NYC brings this comedy style to America, with comedians competing to avoid electric shocks, paintballs, a giant egg-smashing chicken, and many more hilarious jaw-dropping punishments! With a yokocho (横丁・横町) vibe, behind an unassuming door in the East Village, transport yourself to the alleyways of Tokyo with authentic food, drinks, and...
BATSU! NYC - VIP Reservation
VIP Tickets Include:
- Best tables & seats in the house.
- Each ticket comes with 1 hachimaki headband...- Prepaid reservation for parties of 1 to 24
- $75–$85 per person
BATSU! NYC - Standard Reservation
Entry into BATSU!
Note: Food and Drinks are not included in Experience Ticket, but are available for p...- Prepaid reservation for parties of 1 to 36
- $45–$55 per person
Private Events
If you are interested in learning more about our offerings, please fill out the request form and we will contact you to discuss details.
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