In Japan, there is a style of comedy known as batsu game (罰ゲーム), where comedians compete in challenges of all kinds with the losers receiving a punishment. BATSU! NYC brings this comedy style to America, with comedians competing to avoid electric shocks, paintballs, a giant egg-smashing chicken, and many more hilarious jaw-dropping punishments! With a yokocho (横丁・横町) vibe, behind an unassuming door in the East Village, transport yourself to the alleyways of Tokyo with authentic food, drinks, and...
BATSU! NYC - VIP Reservation
VIP Tickets Include:
- Best tables & seats in the house.
- Each ticket comes with 1 hachimaki headband...- Prepaid reservation for parties of 1 to 24
- $75–$85 per person
BATSU! NYC - Standard Reservation
Entry into BATSU!
Note: Food and Drinks are not included in Experience Ticket, but are available for p...- Prepaid reservation for parties of 1 to 36
- $45–$55 per person
BATSU! NYC New Year's EVEnt 2024
2024’s most EPIC motherclucking New Year's Eve experience in New York City is BATSU!
The party begins...- Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024
- 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM
- $125 per ticket
Laughter Party (aka "The NOT BATSU! Stand Up Show")
THIS IS NOT BATSU! But if you are curious about what happens after the lights go out at BATSU!.....
C...- Multiple dates between Aug 29, 2022 and Apr 7, 2025
- 7:00 PM
- $15 per ticket
Private Events
If you are interested in learning more about our offerings, please fill out the request form and we will contact you to discuss details.
Request information